Yes, my tryst with experimentation continues. I've decided to try out a new form of poetry every month. This time, I've tried my hand at Kyrielle(French) Sonnet.
A Kyrielle Sonnet consists of 14 lines (three rhyming quatrain stanzas and a non-rhyming couplet).Just like the traditional Kyrielle poem, the Kyrielle Sonnet also has a repeating line or phrase as a refrain (usually appearing as the last line of each stanza). Each line within the Kyrielle Sonnet consists of only eight syllables. French poetry forms have a tendency to link back to the beginning of the poem, so common practice is to use the first and last line of the first quatrain as the ending couplet.This would also re-enforce the refrain within the poem. Therefore, a good rhyming scheme for a Kyrielle Sonnet would be:
AabB, ccbB, ddbB, AB -or- AbaB, cbcB, dbdB, AB.
Splendid floral stems, fresh in vase,
Unified vibrant visual treat.
Beautiful smiling; close they stood,
Relieved from tones of racism.
Feathers various; flocked up so close,
On wondrous flying albatross.
Warm calico; on her adorned,
Relieved from tones of racism.
White or black, or deep brownie hues,
Moulded us God, of the same clay.
Harmonious dwell; let’s today,
Relieved from tones of racism.
Splendid floral stems, fresh in vase,
Relieved from tones of racism.